BBE Student Spotlight - Kyle Wist

February 23, 2023
Kyle has short brown hair and wear a baseball cap as he hikes along a trail posing in front of a mountain.


Kyle Wist
Pursuing a Bachelor of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2025


Tell us about yourself!

I am from Franklin, Wisconsin, which is a suburb of Milwaukee. My family is close; my dad is a retired firefighter and my mom works as a clinical manager in a primary care clinic. My sister attended UW-Milwaukee and currently lives in Chicago working towards a master's in special education.

Why did you choose Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering?

I originally came to the university as a chemical engineering major. I chose that because I knew I wanted to be an engineer of some kind, and really enjoyed learning about chemistry in high school. In my first semester, I discovered BBE through friends and my CSE 1001 instructor - Erik Joerres, and very quickly changed my major to this program. I enjoy the subject and am passionate about sustainability, but also love that the major is smaller. I am very close with my peers.

What has been a favorite course or project in your program?
So far, my favorite course has been BBE 2001 - Mechanics and Structural Design. I took a similar class in high school, and learning some of the topics more in depth was very interesting. It was also the first BBE assigned course, which I'll hold memories of for the rest of my college experience.

What student groups or extracurricular activities are you involved in and why?

The main group I am involved with is FaBEO. I love the project aspect of the club,the people I’ve met, and the experiences I've gained. I also am very active in the UMN climbing gym, where I have made many friends, work a lot on problem solving, and increasing my physical strength.

What are your career goals after graduation?

I am still torn between going into graduate school or pursuing a job after graduation. Right now, I am leaning towards working, as it is important to have that experience. I would prefer a R&D position within a startup company, but I'm also drawn to an engineering position. I'm not one-hundred percent sure where I want to end up after graduation, and that's okay! :)