1390 Eckles Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
United States
- Ph.D. - Colorado State University. 1995.
- M.S. - University of Kentucky. 1984.
- B.S. - University of Delaware. 1980.
American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Soil Science Society of America
Areas of Interest
Water management and quality for agricultural systems
SSM 3301: Global Water Resource Use and Sustainability
SSM 3519: Bali – Water and Culture from Rainforests to Reefs (Global Seminar)
Providing adequate food for a growing global population while protecting and sustaining the environment is a daunting challenge. My research and Extension work focuses on the enterprise of managing water on the agricultural landscape—to meet both agricultural productivity and water quality goals. Nutrient movement from agricultural lands to downstream waters is a particular water quality issue facing Minnesota and the northern Cornbelt region and my work seeks engineering solutions to mitigate these impacts.
Select Publications
Select Publications
- Wilson, G.L., Mulla, D.J., Galzki, J., Laacouri, A., Vetsch, J., Sands, G. 2020. Effects of fertilizer timing and variable rate N on nitrate–N losses from a tile drained corn-soybean rotation simulated using DRAINMOD-NII. Precision Agriculture 21(2):311-323.
- Wilson, G.L., Mulla, Vetsch, J., Sands, G. 2020. Predicting nitrate‐nitrogen loads in subsurface drainage as a function of fertilizer application rate and timing in southern Minnesota. Journal of Environmental Quality 49(5):1347-1358.
- Sands, G. R., Canelon, D., & Talbotγ, M. 2015. Developing optimum subsurface drainage design procedures. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science, 65(sup1), 121-127.
- Kandel, H.J., J.A. Brodshaug, D.D. Steele, J.K. Ransom, T.M. DeSutter, and G.R. Sands. 2013. Subsurface drainage effects on soil penetration resistance and water table depth on a clay soil in the Red River of the North Valley, USA. Agricultural Engineering International (CIGR). Vol 15(1): 1-10.
- Dalzell, B.J., J.Y. King, D.J. Mulla, J.C. Finlay, and G.R. Sands. 2011. Influence of subsurface drainage on quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter export from agricultural landscapes. J. Geophys. Res., 116, G02023, doi:10.1029/2010JG001540.
- Elliott, S., M.H. Meyer, G.R. Sands, and B. Horgan. 2011. Water Quality Characteristics of Three Rain Gardens Located Within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota. Cities and the Environment (CATE): Vol. 4: Iss. 1, Article 4.
- Nangia, V., P.H. Gowda, D.J. Mulla, and G.R. Sands. 2010. Modeling Impacts Of Tile Drain Spacing And Depth On Nitrate-N Losses In The Upper Midwestern U.S. Vadose Zone J. 9(1):61-72.
- Wiersma, J.J., G.R. Sands, H.J. Kandel, A.K. Rendahl, C.X. Jin, and B.J. Hansen. 2010. Responses of Spring Wheat and Soybean to Subsurface Drainage in Northwest Minnesota. Agronomy. J. 102:1399-1406.
- Luo, W., G.R. Sands, J.Weihua, and J. Zhonghua. 2010. Simulation of hydrological effects on substituting perennial grass for corn/soybean rotation in Corn-belt USA. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 26(2): 89-94.
- Luo, W., G.R. Sands, M. Youssef, J.S. Strock, I. Song, D. Canelon. 2009. Modeling the impact of alternative drainage practices in the northern Corn-belt with DRAINMOD-NII. Agricultural Water Management 297(2010):389-398.
- Blann, K., J.L. Anderson, G.R. Sands, B. Vondracek. 2009. Effects of Agricultural Drainage on Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 39(11):909-1001.
- Sands, G.R., I. Song, L.M. Busman, B. Hansen. 2008. The Effects of Subsurface Drainage Depth and Intensity on Nitrate Load in a Cold Climate. Transactions of the ASABE 51(3):937-946.
- Nangia, V., P.H. Gowda, D.J. Mulla, G.R. Sands. 2008. Water Quality Modeling for Impacts of Fertilizer Management Practices on Nitrate-N losses in Tile Drains at the Field-Scale. J. of Environmental Quality 37(2):296-307.
- Jin, C.X., G.R. Sands, J. Wiersma, H.J. Kandel. 2008. The Influence of Subsurface Drainage on Soil Temperature in a Cold Climate. J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE) 134(1):83-88.
- Feyereisen, G.W., G.R. Sands, J.S. Strock, B.N. Wilson, and P.M. Porter. 2007. Hydrology and nitrogen components of a simple rye growth model. J. of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 133(2): 90-99.
- Feyereisen, G.W., G.R. Sands, B.N. Wilson, J.S. Strock, P.M. Porter. 2006. Plant Growth Component of a Simple Rye Growth Model. Transactions of the ASABE: Trans. ASABE 49(5): 1569-1578.
- Feyereisen, G.W., B.N. Wilson, G.R. Sands, J.S. Strock, P.M. Porter. 2006. A Probabilistic Assessment of the Potential for a Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop to Reduce Field Nitrate-N Loss in Southwestern Minnesota. Agronomy J. 98(6): 1416-1426.
- Sands, G.R., J.S. Strock, D. Deutsch, and C.C. Surprenant. 2005. Design and Testing of a Paired Drainage Channel Research Facility. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(1):63-69.
- Mendez, A., G.R. Sands, B. Basin, C.X. Jin, and P. Wotska. 2004. Simulating The Impact of Drainage Design in a Cold Climate with Adapt. J. of the American Water Resources Association 40(2):385-400.
- Jin, C.X. and G.R. Sands. 2003. Long-term Field-scale Hydrology of Subsurface Drainage Systems in a Cold Climate. Trans. ASABE 46(4):1011-1021.
- Sands, G.R., Jin, C., A. Mendez, B. Basin, P. Wotska, and P. Gowda. 2003. A Comparison of the DRAINMOD and ADAPT Models for a Cold Climate: Subsurface Drainage Flow. Trans. ASABE 46(3):645-656.
- Sands, G.R. 2003. Drainage Coefficient. In Encyclopedia of Water Science, 118-120. Stewart, B.A., Howell, Terry A, (eds). New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
- Feyereisen, G.F., G.R. Sands, and B. Hansen. 2001. A Low Head, Low Power System For Continuous Flow Measurement. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 18(3):307-310.
- Sands, G.R., K. B. Householder, and L. M. Busman. 2001. Design of a Subsurface Drainage Research Facility with LANDRAIN and SEDCAD 4. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(3):309-314.
- Sands, G.R. and T.H. Podmore. 2000. A Generalized Environmental Sustainability Index for Agricultural Systems. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 79(1):29-41.
- Sands, G. R., I. D. Moore, and C. R. Roberts. 1982. Supplemental Irrigation of Horticultural Crops in the Humid Region. Water Resources Bulletin 18(5):831-839.
Book Chapters
- Sands, G.R., S. Ale, L.E. Christianson, and N. Utt. 2017. Subsurface (tile) agricultural drainage. In: Hazlett, R., Bogucki, P., Huertos, M.L., Nemes, A., and Provenzano, G. (Eds.) Oxford Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment. Oxford University Press.
- Strock, J.S., G.R. Sands, and M.J. Helmers. 2011. Subsurface Drainage Design and Management to Meet Agronomic and Environmental Goals. In: Soil Management: Building a Stable Base for Agriculture. J.L. Hatfield and T.J. Sauer (eds.), American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711, USA.
A full publication list (Google Scholar) can be found here.
Honors and Awards
Groundbreaker Award, Drainage Contractor Magazine (2023)
ASABE Blue Ribbon Awards (2002, 2003, 2017)
Richard C. Newman Outreach Award (2010)