Researchers are developing innovative sustainable renewable energy technology solutions and their effective implementation.
Challenges being addressed
Biofuel Cells and Energy Storage
Pursuing bio-based nanostructured carbon electrodes for energy storage, and biofuel cells for direct power generation from biochemical and biomass.
Biorefining for Renewable Energy
Developing technologies to produce energy and materials from renewable resources and mitigation of environment impacts of human activities.
Biomass Pre-treatment for Improved Yield of Fermentable Sugars
Exploring several methods of pretreating biomass to allow for better release of sugars such as glucose from cellulose in biomass which can then be used for bio-ethanol.
Biosynthetic Approaches for Renewable Energy and Fertilizer
Producing unique oils which could replace conventional fuels with biofuels and replace current industrial fertilizers with biofertilizers. We are also involved in efforts to obtain oils from algae.
Impact of Alternative Utilization of Biomass in Existing Industries and Communities
Assessing the implications of increased use of forest biomass in established industries and timber-reliant communities.
Integrated biorefining of algae, other biorenewable resources for sustainable production of value-added products, co-products
Using process systems engineering, techno-economic, and environmental performance analysis, we are exploring the feasibility of using algae as a biorenewable feedstock for producing multiple products.
Integrating Variable Renewables, Regional Grids, and Distributed Resources
How might a new electricity system integrate intermittent and distributed renewable and demand response resources into a reliable and resilient electricity system?
Integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in Dairy and Swine Production
Reducing fossil-fuel consumption in agricultural (animal) production systems through renewable energy generation, energy conservation, decreased GHG emissions, and energy optimization of production systems.
Lignin Biosynthesis
Creating lignins within plants and trees that are much easier to manipulate for maximum conversion of the cellulose and hemicelluloses to liquid biofuels.
Microalgae and Fungal Oil for Alternative Biofuels and Bioenergy
Investigating microalgae and fungal oil as an attractive source for biofuel production.
Photosynthetic Conversion of Solar Energy
Photosynthetic conversion of solar energy into biomass, biofuels, and specialty chemicals.
Renewable Energy Cogeneration in Forest Products Industry
Cogeneration benefits and barriers to adoption in the wood products industry.
Thermochemical conversion of solid wastes to energy and products
Developing novel processes to produce transportation fuels, chemical stock, heat, and biochar from converted agricultural and municipal solid wastes.