Researchers are improving the energy efficiency and environmental performance of building systems.
Challenges being addressed
Advanced Technologies for Agricultural Building Systems
Implementing green construction and smart technology into agricultural building systems.
Cold Climate Housing Program
Promotes the idea of the "house as a system." Learn more about the Cold Climate Housing Program
Dairy Cow Heat Stress
Assessing new analysis tools to assess whether different management practices and alternative energy sources can effectively help reduce heat stress on dairy cows.
Guidelines for Healthy and Safe Animal Production Building Systems
Developing animal production building performance guidelines that increase animal productivity, reduce energy consumption, are cost competitive and enable food safety and security.
NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership
The NorthernSTAR team is one of 10 national teams selected by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to accelerate the development and adoption of advanced building energy technologies and practices in both new and existing homes.
The team uses a systems-guided approach to solve energy, comfort, moisture, and indoor air quality issues in the next generation of houses in cold climates.
Learn more about the NorthernSTAR Building America Partnership.
Residential Ground Source Heat Pump Study
Evaluating residential ground source heat pumps (GSHP) to use in-situ performance measurements from 35 Minnesota homes to better characterize the energy efficiency, emissions, and life-cycle costs of residential GSHP systems.