SSM Student Spotlight - Katie Nesheim

February 23, 2023
Katie has long brown hair, freckles, and blue eyes and is posed in front of yellow fall leaves.

Katie Nesheim

Pursuing a Bachelor of Sustainable Systems Management in the Product Business Management specialization
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2024


Graphic of scribble lines dividing the page

Where are you from? Describe what your hometown and/or family is like?

I grew up in Lakeville, MN but consider Minneapolis my hometown since I've been living here for about 4 years now. I come from a big family and am the youngest of five. I absolutely adore my two dogs Buck and Shiloh, and try to spend as much time with them as possible. Fun fact, my dog Buck is turning 17 this February!

Why did you choose Sustainable Systems Management?

I chose to major in Sustainable Systems Management because I noticed a lack of coordination between businesses and societal values regarding the environment and injustices imposed on individuals. Economics is a core aspect of our society, and properly managing the way we conduct business to prioritize people and the environment is essential to improve the world we live in.

What has been a favorite course or project in your program? 
My favorite course I've taken so far is HSCI 3244, or Nature's History: Science, Humans, and the Environment. In the course, we worked on a semester-long research project about environmental disasters. My group chose to focus on the Arsenic Triangle in Minneapolis, a devastating environmental injustice so close to where we live and learn. Rather than just writing a paper about your topic, you can choose to create a timeline illustrating the event and major actors. If you're interested to learn more about my specific project or get a visual of the project, follow this link!

What student groups or extracurricular activities are you involved in and why?

I am involved in BBE Student Ambassadors and the Sustainable Systems Management Club. I enjoy attending events and meetings because they allow me to connect with students in the same department, major, and who have similar interests. Last semester we had a plant propagating event, and it's always fun to bring home free plants. The free food is also enticing.

What are your career goals after graduation?

After completing my undergraduate degree, I hope to continue my education in graduate school focusing on biomass technology or circular economy. I hope to attend school somewhere outside of the United States, possibly Europe or South America.

Is there anything else you'd like to share with the BBE/SSM community?

Don't be afraid to reach out to SSM faculty. They're all really helpful and want you to succeed!