
Our faculty works with the University of Minnesota Extension to engage individuals and organizations in asking the challenging questions to discover science-based answers that make a difference.

  • Agricultural drainage
    Accomplishing the dual objectives of agricultural production while minimizing unwanted environmental effects

  • Livestock Systems and Environment
    Providing technical education to stakeholders who design, build, and sell animal production facilities in the upper Midwest region

  • Cold Climate Housing Program
    Promotes the idea of the "house as a system"

  • Dairy facilities
    Providing engineering information about compost dairy barns

  • Housing technology
    Improving the safety, durability, and efficiency of homes and buildings

  • Irrigation management
    Applying technical knowledge to ensure farmers efficiently apply the right amount of irrigation water as dictated by multiple scientific disciplines

  • Manure management and air quality
    Providing engineering solutions for the collection and treatment of manure and air emissions from livestock and poultry facilities

  • Post-harvest handling of crops
    This project by the late Bill Wilcke and professor emeritus, Vance Morey, still has an impact on Midwestern farmers today

  • Swine housing and equipment
    Information on swine housing options and facility management guidelines for pork industry stakeholders including producers